Laboratory: USGS, Menlo Park

BP: 36300 Std: 1300

Delta 13C value None given Delta 13C standard deviation None given

Sample Material: miscellaneous Sample Material Comment: Carbonat

Feature Type: settlement Feature: Residencial; Nivell A

Culture: Aurignacian Phase: Arcaic

Site: Abric Romaní Country Subdivision: Barcelona Country: Spain

Approved: true Right: public


J.L. Bischoff / K. Ludwig / J.F. Garcia / E. Carbonell / M. Vaquero / T.W. Stafford Jr./A.J.T. Jull, Dating of the Basal Aurignacian Sandwich at Abric Romani (Catalunya, Spain) by Radiocarbon and Uranium-Series. Journal of archaeological science 21 / 4, 1994, 541-552.

Comment: Aurinyacià arcaic; USGS2893 (Bischof et al. 1994)

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