Laboratory: University of Barcelona

BP: 2360 Std: 60

Delta 13C value None given Delta 13C standard deviation None given

Sample Material: wood Sample Material Comment: Fusta

Feature Type: settlement Feature: Residencial; Vilatge; UE 43.

Culture: Eisenzeit Phase: I A

Site: Aldovesta Country Subdivision: Tarragona Country: Spain

Approved: true Right: public


Mascort, Maria Teresa and Sanmartí, Joan and Santacana, Joan , El jaciment protohistòric d'Aldovesta (Benifallet) i el comerç fenici arcaic a la Catalunya meridional (1991).

Comment: Duplicate sample with different values! Importacions Fenícies, Primers ferros; UBAR90 (Mascort, M.T.; Sanmartí, J. i Santacana, J. (1991), p. )

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