Laboratory: NSF

BP: 37700 Std: 1000

Delta 13C value None given Delta 13C standard deviation None given

Sample Material: collagen, bone Sample Material Comment: Os

Feature Type: settlement Feature: Residencial; Nivell H

Culture: Aurignacian Phase: Arcaic

Site: Cova de l'Arbreda Country Subdivision: Gerona Country: Spain

Approved: true Right: public


Maroto J. / Soler N. / Fullola J. M., Cul -tural change be tween Mid dle and Up per Paleolithicin Catalonia. In: E. Carbonell and M. Vaquero(eds.), The Last Neandertals, the First An a tom i callyMod ern Hu mans: a Tale about the Hu man Di ver -sity. Cul tural Change and Hu man Rev o lu tion at 40ka BP. Capellades, 210–250.

Comment: Aurinyacià arcaic; AA3780 (Maroto et al., 1996)

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