Laboratory: Berlin

BP: 5880 Std: 150

Delta 13C value None given Delta 13C standard deviation None given

Sample Material: charcoal Sample Material Comment: None given

Feature Type: tell Feature: Type according to Rosenstock: Siedlungshügel; name of the layer: Schicht

Culture: Cucuteni culture Phase: Pre-Cucuteni III

Site: Poduri-Dealul Ghindaru Country Subdivision: Bacau Country: Romania

Approved: true Right: public


C. Bem, C. Bem, Noi propuneri pentru o schi ?? cronologic ? a eneoliticului românesc, Pontica 33-34, 25-120.

Mantu 2000: CM Mantu, Cucuteni-Tripolye cultural complex: relations and synchronisms with other contemporaneous cultures from the Black Sea area. Studia Antiqua et Archaeologica 7 (2000) 11-27.

Monah, D, La datation par C-14 du complexe culture Cucuteni-Tripolie. La Civilisation de Cucuteni en Contexte Europeen, Universite “AI Cuza” Iasi, 1987, 67--79.

Eva Rosenstock, Tells in Südwestasien und Südosteuropa : Untersuchungen zur Verbreitung, Entstehung und Definition eines Siedlungsphänomens (Remshalden2009).


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