Laboratory: Groningen

BP: 3945 Std: 40

Delta 13C value None given Delta 13C standard deviation None given

Sample Material: charcoal Sample Material Comment: None given

Feature Type: settlement Feature: None given

Culture: Bell Beaker Phase: n/a

Site: Csepel Country Subdivision: Budapest Country: Hungary

Approved: true Right: public


R. Kalicz-Schreiber / N. Kalicz, Were the Bell Beakers as Social Indicators of the Early Bronze Age in Budapest? In: F. Nicolis (Hrsg.), Bell beakers today. Pottery, people, culture, symbols in prehistoric Europe. Proceedings of the International colloquium, Riva del Garda (Trento,Italy), 11-16 May 1998 (2001), 439-458.

Comment: Duplicate sample with different values!

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