Laboratory: British Museum

BP: 5730 Std: 150

Delta 13C value None given Delta 13C standard deviation None given

Sample Material: charcoal Sample Material Comment: Holzkohole

Feature Type: rockshelter/cave Feature: site F, layer 2, period III, dirty white sand layer

Culture: Neolithic Phase: n/a

Site: High Rocks, Kent Country Subdivision: Kent Country: United Kingdom

Approved: true Right: public


Burleigh, Richard and Hewson, Andrew and Meeks, Nigel, British Museum Natural radiocarbon measurements VIII.. Radiocarbon 18 / 1, 1976, 16--42.

Money, JH, Excavations at High Rocks, Tunbridge Wells, 1954-1956.'. Sussex Archaeological Collections 98, 1960, 173--222.

Whittle, Alasdair William Richardson and Healy, Frances Margaret Alton and Bayliss, Alexandra, Gathering time: dating the early Neolithic enclosures of southern Britain and Ireland (2011).

Comment: according to BANADORA-URL:,

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