Laboratory: Oxford Radiocarbon Accelerator Unit

BP: 4912 Std: 36

Delta 13C value -20.1 Delta 13C standard deviation None given

Sample Material: collagen, bone Sample Material Comment: human, adult, long bone

Feature Type: collective burial Feature: derives from above the paving slab in the chamber

Culture: Neolithic Phase: n/a

Site: Broadsands, Devon Country Subdivision: Torbay Country: United Kingdom

Approved: true Right: public


Sheridan, A and Schulting, RJ and Quinnell, H and Taylor, R, Revisiting a small passage tomb at Broadsands, Devon.

Whittle, Alasdair William Richardson and Healy, Frances Margaret Alton and Bayliss, Alexandra, Gathering time: dating the early Neolithic enclosures of southern Britain and Ireland (2011).

Comment: replicate of OxA-17979

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