Laboratory: not available

BP: 3790 Std: 35

Delta 13C value None given Delta 13C standard deviation None given

Sample Material: collagen, bone Sample Material Comment: Menschenknochen

Feature Type: grave (flat) inhumation Feature: Grab 1097-III-00

Culture: Únětice Phase: n/a

Site: Wojkowice; site: 15 Country Subdivision: Lower Silesian Country: Poland

Approved: true Right: public


T. Gralak, Osadnictwo ludno?ci kultury unietyckiej na stan. Wojkowice 15, gm. ?órawina, pow. Wroc?aw. In: BOGUS?AW GEDIGA (Hrsg.), Archeologiczne Zeszyty Autostradowe 5. Badania na autostradzie A4 III (Wroc?aw 2007) 131-304.

Dalia Pokutta / Karin Magarita Frei, Isotopic Study of Szczepankowice Early Bronze Age Barrowburial Ground (Southwestern Poland). Silesia Antiqua 47, 2011, 71-91.

Comment: Duplicate sample with different values!

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