Laboratory: Scripps (UCSD) La Jolla

BP: 6530 Std: 150

Delta 13C value None given Delta 13C standard deviation None given

Sample Material: charcoal Sample Material Comment: None given

Feature Type: n/a Feature: last level of ditch 14 / C.14, N14

Culture: Neolithic Phase: Early

Site: Rendina Country Subdivision: Potenza Country: Italy

Approved: true Right: public


L. Allegri / C. Cortesi / A. M. Radmilli, La cronologia neolitica in base al radiocarbonio, vol. 2. Atti della XXVI Riunione Scientifica, Il Neolitico in Italia, Firenze 7-10 Novembre 1985, 2 volumes, Istituto italiano di preistoria e protostoria, Firenze.

C. Manen, Le Néolithique ancien entre Rhône et Ebre: analyse des céramiques décorées. Thèse de doctorat Nouveau Règime (Paris 2000).

J. Müller, Die ostadriatische Impresso-Kultur: zeitliche Einordnung und kulturelle Einbindung. Germania 69. (2) 1991, 311-358.

Comment: According to Oxford-DB: Early Neolithic (Impressa u.a.), According to Oxford-DB: Manen 2000: 6670 +- 100 BP / Rendina 2a,

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