Laboratory: Dublin, Trinity College

BP: 5020 Std: 170

Delta 13C value None given Delta 13C standard deviation None given

Sample Material: charcoal Sample Material Comment: Charcoal

Feature Type: enclosure Feature: From surface beneath round mound. Thick brown soil, much charcoal (including hazel, birch, oak and willow), charred hazelnut shells, some burnt bone (at least some human), numerous artefact including abundant Carinated Bowl, some fluted.

Culture: Bronze Age Phase: Mig

Site: Knockiveagh Country Subdivision: Banbridge Country: United Kingdom

Approved: true Right: public


Whittle, Alasdair William Richardson and Healy, Frances Margaret Alton and Bayliss, Alexandra, Gathering time: dating the early Neolithic enclosures of southern Britain and Ireland Volume II (2011).


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