Laboratory: Poznan Radiocarbon Laboratory

BP: 5025 Std: 35

Delta 13C value None given Delta 13C standard deviation None given

Sample Material: charcoal Sample Material Comment: oak

Feature Type: settlement Feature: from lower pit fill F31/3 of oit 51 in occupation site

Culture: Neolithic Phase: n/a

Site: Lesmurdie Road, Elgin Country Subdivision: Moray Country: United Kingdom

Approved: true Right: public


Sheridan, Alison, From Picardie to Pickering and Pencraig Hill? New information on theCarinated Bowl Neolithic'in northern Britain.

Whittle, Alasdair William Richardson and Healy, Frances Margaret Alton and Bayliss, Alexandra, Gathering time: dating the early Neolithic enclosures of southern Britain and Ireland (2011).


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