Laboratory: Kiel AMS

BP: 2275 Std: 25

Delta 13C value -27.26 Delta 13C standard deviation 0.11

Sample Material: charcoal Sample Material Comment: Pflanzenreste, Holzkohle

Feature Type: collective burial Feature: megalithic tomb

Culture: Funnelbeaker culture / Altmark Tiefstich group Phase: Haldensleben

Site: Dönstedt Fundplatz 10 Country Subdivision: Sachsen-Anhalt Country: Germany

Approved: true Right: public


C. Rinne, Die Megalithgräber im Haldensleber Forst. Frühe Monumentalität und Soziale Differenzierung 17 (Bonn 2019).

Comment: measured twice: The two conventional ages of KIA 48845 do not differ significantly from each other, based on the chi-square test at p=0.05. The weighted mean value was therefore used for calibration in this case.

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