Laboratory: Kiel AMS

BP: 5010 Std: 35

Delta 13C value -27.8 Delta 13C standard deviation None given

Sample Material: charcoal Sample Material Comment: Holzkohle, Holzkohle Erle

Feature Type: burial mound Feature: Langbett mit Dolmen

Culture: Funnelbeaker culture / northern group Phase: n/a

Site: Flintbek LA 3 Country Subdivision: Schleswig-Holstein Country: Germany

Approved: true Right: public


SPP1400, SPP data, partly unpublished

D. Mischka, Flintbek and the absolute chronology of megalithic graves in the Funnel Beaker North Group. In: Furholt, Martin / Hinz, Martin / Mischka, Doris / Noble, Gordon / Olausson, Deborah (Hrsg.), Landscapes, Histories and Societies in the Northern European Neolithic. Frühe Monumentalität und soziale Differenzierung 4 (Bonn 2014) 125–145.


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