Laboratory: Poznan Radiocarbon Laboratory

BP: 4780 Std: 40

Delta 13C value -24.8 Delta 13C standard deviation None given

Sample Material: charcoal Sample Material Comment: Holzkohle, cf. Corylus, Stamm, 4 JR, mehrere Stücke gehören zusammen

Feature Type: passage grave Feature: Ganggrab, MU1259/17-2 GE4-P8

Culture: Funnelbeaker culture / northern group Phase: n/a

Site: Wangels LA 69 Country Subdivision: Schleswig-Holstein Country: Germany

Approved: true Right: public


SPP1400, SPP data, partly unpublished

J. P. Brozio, Megalithanlagen und Siedlungsmuster im trichterbecherzeitlichen Ostholstein. Frühe Monumentalität und soziale Differenzierung Band 9 (Bonn 2016)

J. P. Brozio, Megalithic and settlement patterns of Funnel Beaker times in Eastern Holstein, Germany. In: J. Müller, M. Hinz, M. Wunderlich, Megaliths – Societies –Landscapes Early Monumentality and Social Differentiation in Neolithic Europe Proceedings of the international conference »Megaliths – Societies – Landscapes. Early Monumentality and Social Differentiation in Neolithic Europe« (16th–20th June 2015) in Kiel. Frühe Monumentalität und soziale Differenzierung Band 18 Vol. 2 (Bonn 2019) 487-505 1


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