Laboratory: Kiel AMS

BP: 2745 Std: 25

Delta 13C value None given Delta 13C standard deviation None given

Sample Material: cremated bones Sample Material Comment: human

Feature Type: grave (cremation) Feature: Grave 11 (urn grave)

Culture: n/a Phase: n/a

Site: Velzeke Paddestraat Country Subdivision: East Flanders Country: Belgium

Approved: true Right: public


G. De Mulder / M. Van Strydonck / M. Boudin / W. Leclercq / N. Paridaens / E. Warmenbol, Re-evaluation of the late bronze age and early Iron Age chronology of the western Belgian urnfields based on 14c dating of cremated bones. Radiocarbon 49, 2, 2007, 499–514


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