Laboratory: Kiel AMS

BP: 3185 Std: 30

Delta 13C value None given Delta 13C standard deviation None given

Sample Material: cremated bones Sample Material Comment: human

Feature Type: grave (cremation) Feature: Grave F129

Culture: n/a Phase: n/a

Site: Blicquy Country Subdivision: Hainaut Country: Belgium

Approved: true Right: public


G. De Mulder / M. Van Strydonck / M. Boudin / W. Leclercq / N. Paridaens / E. Warmenbol, Re-evaluation of the late bronze age and early Iron Age chronology of the western Belgian urnfields based on 14c dating of cremated bones. Radiocarbon 49, 2, 2007, 499–514

W. Leclercq, Les Nécropoles de lâge du bronze final. Entre les bassins de Léscaut et de la meuse moyenne: Approche chronologique et cultuelle de leur occupation. In: A. Cahen-Delhaaye / G. De Mulder, Des Espaces aux esprits.


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