Laboratory: Erlangen AMS Facility

BP: 3831 Std: 56

Delta 13C value -20.0 Delta 13C standard deviation None given

Sample Material: collagen, bone Sample Material Comment: human bone

Feature Type: grave (flat) inhumation Feature: Grab 7

Culture: Únětice Phase: Proto-Únětice

Site: Pavlov-Horní Pole Country Subdivision: Jihomoravský Country: Czechia

Approved: true Right: public


P. Barta / P. Demján / K. Hladíková / P. Kme?ová / K. Piatni?ková, Database of radiocarbon dates measured on archaeological samples from Slovakia, Czechia, and adjacent regions. Archaeological Chronometry in Slovakia, Slovak Research and Development Agency Project No. APVV-0598-10, 2011 -2014, Dept. of Archaeology, Faculty of Arts, Comenius University in Bratislava (URL: <>) 2013)

J. Peška, Neue absolute Datierungen aus dem späten Äneolithikum Mährens. Offa 63 / 64, 2006 / 2007, 2011, 7-44.

J. Peška, Protoún?tické poh?ebišt? z Pavlova (Olomouc 2009).

Comment: Duplicate sample with different values! Pavlov 01/02-5, the grave 7 superposed grave 6 therefore must be younger

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