Laboratory: National Museum

BP: 3870 Std: 80

Delta 13C value None given Delta 13C standard deviation None given

Sample Material: charcoal Sample Material Comment: Charcoal (Quercus sp.)

Feature Type: settlement (house) Feature: n/a

Culture: n/a Phase: n/a

Site: Diverhøj Country Subdivision: Midtjylland Country: Denmark

Approved: true Right: public


P. Asingh, Diverhøj - A Complex Burial Mound and a Neolithic Settlement. Journal of Danish Archaeology 6, 1988, 130-154.

M. Furholt, Die absolutchronologische Datierung der Schnurkeramik in Mitteleuropa und Südskandinavien (Bonn 2003)

Comment: Duplicate sample with different values! From upper part of settlement layer belonging to 3 houses below Bronze Age mound.

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