Laboratory: Harwell

BP: 3590 Std: 80

Delta 13C value -21.6 Delta 13C standard deviation None given

Sample Material: collagen, bone Sample Material Comment: human bone

Feature Type: grave (mound) inhumation Feature: from burial 27

Culture: Wessex culture Phase: n/a

Site: Barnack Country Subdivision: Lincolnshire Country: United Kingdom

Approved: true Right: public


P. Donaldson, The excavation of a multiple round barrow atBarnack, Cambridgeshire 1976, Antiq J, 57, 1976, 197 - 231.

Jordan, David and Haddon-Reece, David and Bayliss, Alex, Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage and dated before 1981 (1994).

A. J. Lawson, Barrow excavation in Norfolk 1950-82, E AnglianArchaeol Rep, 29, 1977.

A. J. Lawson / E. A. Martin / D. Priddy, The barrows of East Anglia, E. Anglian Archaeol. Rep. 12, 1981.


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