Laboratory: Harwell
BP: 2190 Std: 60
Delta 13C value -25.0 Delta 13C standard deviation None given
Sample Material: charcoal Sample Material Comment: mainly oak from large timbers and some hazel/alder
Feature Type: settlement Feature: from layer 5828, in the bottom of a circular storage pit F5789; this contained a mixed ceramic assemb lage: bowls, jars, saucepan style pottery with St Catherine's Hill type decoration, and some residual pottery
Culture: Iron Age Phase: n/a
Site: Marc 3: Winnall Down Country Subdivision: Hampshire Country: United Kingdom
Approved: true Right: public
P.J. Fasham / R.J.B. Whinney, Archaeology and the M3, Hampshire Fid Club Archaeol Soc Monogr, 7.
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