Laboratory: Harwell

BP: 2810 Std: 90

Delta 13C value -25.0 Delta 13C standard deviation None given

Sample Material: wood Sample Material Comment: None given

Feature Type: bogfind Feature: from a structure at a complex Bronze Age site in raised bog peat; same area as H AR-1221, but a younger structure.

Culture: Bronze Age Phase: n/a

Site: Meare, Stileway Country Subdivision: Somerset Country: United Kingdom

Approved: true Right: public


J. M. Coles, Radiocarbon dates: third list, Somerset Levels Pap, 5, 101.

Coles, BJ and Dobson, MJ, Calibration of radiocarbon dates from the Somerset Levels. Somerset Levels Papers 15, 1989, 64--72.

M. A. Girling, An 'Old Forest' beetle fauna from a Neolithicand Bronze Age peat deposit at Stileway, Somerset Levels Pap, 11,80-4.

Jordan, David and Haddon-Reece, David and Bayliss, Alex, Radiocarbon dates: from samples funded by English Heritage and dated before 1981 (1994).

B. J. Orme / J. M. Coles / A. E. Caseldine / R. A. Morgan, B. J. Orme / J. M. Coles / A. E. Caseldine / R. A. Morgan, Thirdmillennium structures on Walton Heath, Somerset Levels Pap, 11, 62-8.

Comment: Duplicate date from other site!

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