Laboratory: Groningen Accelerator

BP: 2185 Std: 40

Delta 13C value None given Delta 13C standard deviation None given

Sample Material: collagen, bone Sample Material Comment: NWT-RV 778

Feature Type: grave Feature: None given

Culture: Iron Age Phase: n/a

Site: Nederweert "Rosveld" Country Subdivision: Limburg Country: Netherlands

Approved: true Right: public


H. A. Hiddink, Cemetries of the late Iron Age in the southern part of the Netherlands. In: A. Cahen-Delhaaye / G. De Mulder, Des Espaces aux esprits. L´organisation de la mort aux âges des Métaux dans le nord-ouest de l´Europe. Études et Documents Archéologie 32, Namur 2014, 185-211.

Comment: LT C1(-2),

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