IDLab CodeLab Nr.BPStdδ 13C Sample Mat.Feature TypeCulturePhaseSite
14781-14800 / 34153 show all
19369OxA8778300150collagen, bonetellNeolithicearly to late PPN, Neolithic 2, ASPRO 4, Mureybet IV and jünger, Bouqras, AssouadTell Abu HureyraShow Calibrate
19370OxA8788490110collagen, bonetellNeolithicearly to late PPN, Neolithic 2, ASPRO 4, Mureybet IV and jünger, Bouqras, AssouadTell Abu HureyraShow Calibrate
19371OxA8798570130collagen, bonetellNeolithicearly to late PPN, Neolithic 2, ASPRO 4, Mureybet IV and jünger, Bouqras, AssouadTell Abu HureyraShow Calibrate
19372OxA88014920180collagen, bonetellNeolithicearly to late PPN, Neolithic 2, ASPRO 4, Mureybet IV and jünger, Bouqras, AssouadTell Abu HureyraShow Calibrate
19373OxA8818870100collagen, bonetellNeolithicearly to late PPN, Neolithic 2, ASPRO 4, Mureybet IV and jünger, Bouqras, AssouadTell Abu HureyraShow Calibrate
19374BM1724R8020100charcoaltellNeolithicearly to late PPN, Neolithic 2, ASPRO 4, Mureybet IV and jünger, Bouqras, AssouadTell Abu HureyraShow Calibrate
19375BM1723R10820510charcoaltellNeolithiclate PPN, Neolithic 2, ASPRO 4, younger than Mureybet IV, Bouqras, AssouadTell Abu HureyraShow Calibrate
19376OxA21688330100miscellaneoustellNeolithicearly to late PPN, Neolithic 2, ASPRO 4, Mureybet IV and jünger, Bouqras, AssouadTell Abu HureyraShow Calibrate
19377OxA1228968090miscellaneoustellNeolithicearly to late PPN, Neolithic 2, ASPRO 4, Mureybet IV and jünger, Bouqras, AssouadTell Abu HureyraShow Calibrate
19378OxA19308180100graintellNeolithicearly to late PPN, Neolithic 2, ASPRO 4, Mureybet IV and jünger, Bouqras, AssouadTell Abu HureyraShow Calibrate
19379OxA1931789090graintellNeolithicearly to late PPN, Neolithic 2, ASPRO 4, Mureybet IV and jünger, Bouqras, AssouadTell Abu HureyraShow Calibrate
19380OxA1227832080miscellaneoustellNeolithicearly to late PPN, Neolithic 2, ASPRO 4, Mureybet IV and jünger, Bouqras, AssouadTell Abu HureyraShow Calibrate
19381SUA7326550160charcoaltellNeolithicNeolithique recent (Byblos), ASPRO 8, ChalcolithicTelelat GhassulShow Calibrate
19382SUA7346370105charcoaltellNeolithicNeolithique recent (Byblos), ASPRO 8, ChalcolithicTelelat GhassulShow Calibrate
19383SUA7366430180charcoaltellNeolithicNeolithique recent (Byblos), ASPRO 8, ChalcolithicTelelat GhassulShow Calibrate
19384SUA738/16300110charcoaltellNeolithicNeolithique recent (Byblos), ASPRO 8, ChalcolithicTelelat GhassulShow Calibrate
19385SUA7396070130charcoaltellNeolithicNeolithique recent (Byblos), ASPRO 8, ChalcolithicTelelat GhassulShow Calibrate
19386C9197420520charcoalenclosureGhassulian culturen/aBeersebaShow Calibrate
19387P25273740230charcoaltellNeolithicPN A, B, Chalcolithic, ASPRO 9 or 8Abu ZureiqShow Calibrate
19388GL245210110charcoaltellEarly Bronze AgeProtourban, EB IaJerichoShow Calibrate
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