Only Samples for Site Westeregeln shown.
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IDLab CodeLab Nr. BPStdδ 13CSample Mat.Feature TypeCulturePhaseSite
1-4 / 4
12356Hd19371359529collagen, bonesingle graveBronze AgeÚnětice cultureWesteregelnShow Calibrate
12063GrN22362002000.0n/an/aLinear Pottery culture / Linearbandkeramikn/aWesteregelnShow Calibrate
11665Bln426045100seedn/aLinear Pottery culture / Linearbandkeramikolder to middle LBKWesteregelnShow Calibrate
11712Bln926140100seedn/aLinear Pottery culture / Linearbandkeramikolder to middle LBKWesteregelnShow Calibrate
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