The current calibration curve used to calibrate the selected data is IntCal20 Atmospheric data from Reimer et al (2020).
Christoph Rinne, Jutta Kneisel, Martin Hinz
based on the work of Martin Furholt, Martin Hinz, Jutta Kneisel, Nina Krischke, Johannes Müller, Christoph Rinne, Dirk Raetzel-Fabian, Marcel Rodens, Karl-Göran Sjögren, Helle Vandkilde and Hans-Peter Wotzka
In order to understand the dynamics of cultural phenomena, scientific dating in archaeology is an indispensable tool. Only by dating independently of typology is it possible to understand typological development itself. Here radiometric dating methods, especially those based on carbon isotopy, still play the most important role. For evaluations exceeding the intra-site level, it is particularly important that such data is collected in large numbers and that the dates are easily accessible. Also, new statistical analyses, such as sequential calibration based on Bayesian methods, do not require single dates, but rather demand a greater number. By their combination significantly more elaborate results can be achieved compared to the results from conventional evaluation.
A second premise and basic idea of the creation of RADON (2000) and the "" is that of „Open Access“. This approach continues to be applied in the international research community, which we welcome as a highly positive development. The radiocarbon database RADON has been committed to this principle for almost a quarter of a century. In this database 14C data – primarily of the Neolithic and the Bronze Age of Europe and Southern Scandinavia – is collected and successively augmented.
with contributions from:
Davide Delfino, Vera Hubensack, Gábor Ilon, Eszter Melis, Dalia A. Pokutta, Franz Schopper, Phillip Stockhammer, Jens-Henrik Bech, Olle Hemdorff, Thomas Reitmaier, Martin Egelund Poulsen
The database should be cited as:
Please acknowledge our work if you found it useful for your publications.
Rado.NB Team 2024: Christoph Rinne, Jutta Kneisel, Martin Hinz
The current calibration curve used to calibrate the selected data is IntCal20 Atmospheric data from Reimer et al (2020).
Rado.NB: Radon and Radon-B have been merged and the data collected over almost 25 years has been reviewed and corrected. You can find Rado.NB at
Radon & Radon-B leave X (Twitter).
Our server will be updated on Friday, the 25th of November, from 10:00 to 15:00 expectedly. During this time the database might not be accessible. We apologise for any inconvenience!