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News for RADON available as RSS-Feed

on Apr 03, 2014

From now on we would like to keep you up to date about changes in our database. This will be done by news visible at the home page where you probably now are reading this text. You can also subscribe to with a RSS reader of your choice its RSS feed by clicking on the RSS icon.

We hope that we will be able to provide you with a lot news about updates and extensions of our database in the future.

Your RADON team.


Contribution of 48 dates by Karin Riedhammer

on Apr 03, 2014

Latest major contribution: Karin Riedhammer provided 48 dates for the Südostbayrische Mittelneolithikum (SMN)!

K. Riedhammer, Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der absoluten Datierung des Südostbayrischen Mittelneolithikums. In: A. Boschetti-Maradi/A. de Capitani/S. Hochtuli/U. Niffeler (eds.), Form, Zeit und Raum. Grundlagen für eine Geschichte aus dem Boden (Basel 2012) 69–78.


Zotero-Export for Literature

on Apr 03, 2014

For literature data we implemented a Bibtex functionality and a Zotero export. Zotero Export is already available for all literature records, but only authors and year are written to appropriate fields. All other information end up in the title field (including the title). For those data sets that already contain Bibtex information, the full quote is returned. In the near future we will supply Bibtex information for all references. You can access the Zotero-Import at individial literature records as well as at the sample records.


Contribution of 218 dates by Thomas K. Harper

on Apr 16, 2014

Thomas K. Harper contributed 218 dates for Tripolje and Cucuteni. At the moment they can not be made public available, but this will take place soon.


Radon goes Twitter

on May 07, 2014

You now can follow us on Twitter. All news like you are reading right now will be announced there, as well as some minor update informations. Find us as @RADONDatabase !


Import of the EUROEVOL dataset (Manning et al. 2015)

on Jul 27, 2016

We just have imported the EUROEVOL dataset (Manning et al. 2015) that was made available by Katie Manning and her colleagues as public domain. Thank you for this great act in the spirit of Open Data! With this addition RADON is currently hosting 19,793 public available data.


Server maintainance

on Nov 05, 2016

Our server will be updated on Friday, the 25th of November, from 10:00 to 15:00 expectedly. During this time the database might not be accessible. We apologise for any inconvenience!


Radon leaves X (Twitter)

on Jan 09, 2024

Radon & Radon-B leave X (Twitter).


Radon & Radon-B

on Apr 15, 2024

Rado.NB: Radon and Radon-B have been merged and the data collected over almost 25 years has been reviewed and corrected. You can find Rado.NB at https://radonb.ufg.uni-kiel.de.


Calibration curve

on Apr 16, 2024

The current calibration curve used to calibrate the selected data is IntCal20 Atmospheric data from Reimer et al (2020).
