
Lab_Code NameActive?14C dates
181-200 / 308 show all
NSNova Scotia Research Foundationfalse0Show
NSRLINSTAAR AMS Lab, U of Coloradotrue0Show
NSTFNuclear Science and Technology Facility, State Univ. of New Yorkfalse0Show
NSWU. of New South Walesfalse0Show
NTUNational Taiwan Universitytrue0Show
NUNihon Universitytrue0Show
NUTATandetron AMS Labtrue0Show
NV?unknown, (18 Apr. 2023)true1Show
NyNancy, Centre de Recherches Radiogéologiquesfalse1Show
NZRafter Radiocarbon Labfalse3Show
NZARafter Radiocarbon Lab (AMS)true114Show
OHumble Oil & Refiningfalse1Show
OBDYORSTOM Bondyfalse1Show
ORResearch Center of Radioisotopestrue0Show
ORINSOak Ridge Institute of Nuclear Studiesfalse0Show
OWUOhio Wesleyan Univ.false1Show
OXUSDA Oxford, Mississippifalse0Show
OxAOxford Radiocarbon Accelerator Unittrue4170Show
OZCunknown, (18 Apr. 2023)true0Show