
Lab_Code NameActive?14C dates
121-140 / 308 show all
NV?unknown, (18 Apr. 2023)true1Show
NUTATandetron AMS Labtrue0Show
NUNihon Universitytrue0Show
NTUNational Taiwan Universitytrue0Show
NSWU. of New South Walesfalse0Show
NSTFNuclear Science and Technology Facility, State Univ. of New Yorkfalse0Show
NSRLINSTAAR AMS Lab, U of Coloradotrue0Show
NSNova Scotia Research Foundationfalse0Show
NPLNational Physical Laboratory, Middlesexfalse41Show
NOSAMSNational Ocean Sciences Accelerator Mass Spectrometrytrue10Show
NMB?unknown, (18 Apr. 2023)true1Show
NISTNational Institute of Standards and Technologytrue0Show
NIESÄLaboratorium Hannovertrue5Show
n/anot availabletrue112Show
NNishina Memorialfalse3Show
MTCUniversity of Tokyotrue0Show
MSUMoscow State Universitytrue0Show
MRRIMarine Resources Research Institutefalse0Show
MPMagnolia Petroleumfalse0Show
MOCArchaeological Institute, Czechoslovak Acad. of Sci.false3Show