
Short CitationYear AuthorLong CitationURL14C dates
281-300 / 2034 show all
Novotný / Koval?ík 19771977Novotný / Koval?íkB. Novotný / R. M. Koval?ík, Katalóg archeologických pamiatok Spiša. Gánovce (Poprad 1977).1Show
Linick 19771977T. W. LinickT. W. Linick, La Jolla radiocarbon measurements VII. Radiocarbon, 19, 19-48.10Show
Hall / Woodward 19771977D. Hall / P. J. WoodwardD. Hall / P. J. Woodward, Radwell excavations, 1974-5: the Bronze Age ring ditches, Bedfordshire ArchaeolJ, 12, 1 - 16.1Show
Money 19771977J. H. MoneyJ. H. Money, The Iron Age hillfort and Romano-British iron-working settlement at Garden Hill, Sussex, interim report on excavations 1968 - 76, Britannia 8, 1977, 339 - 50.2Show
Mallory 19771977Mallory, JPMallory, JP, The chronology of the Early Kurgan Tradition (Part Two). Journal (The) of Indo-European Studies Washington, DC 5 / 4, 1977, 339--368.10Show
Iregren 19771977E. IregrenE. Iregren, Osteologisk analys. Fornlämning 5, hällkista, Åttagårdsområdet, Fredriksberg, Falköping, Västergötland. Rapport UV 1977 / 18, 1977.5Show
Hulthen 19771977B. HulthenB. Hulthen, On ceramic Technology during the Scanian Neolithic and Bronze Age. Theses and papers in North-European archaeology 6 (Stockholm1977).1Show
Coles / Fordham 19771977J. M. Coles / S. M. FordhamJ. M. Coles / S. M. Fordham, Radiocarbon dates: second list, Somerset Levels Pap, 3, 89.23Show
Madsen 19771977Madsen, TorstenMadsen, Torsten, Toftum ved Horsnes. Et befæstet anlæg tilhørende tragtbægerkulturen. Kuml, 161-184.11Show
Baldellou / Mestres 19771977Baldellou, V. / Mestres, J.Baldellou, V. / Mestres, J., La Cova de la Font del Molinot. Una nueva fácies neolítica: XIV Congreso Nacional de Arqueología (Vitoria 1975), Zaragoza 1977, p. 249-252.0Show
Albert & Schröter 19771977Albert, Siegfried und Schröter, PeterAlbert, Siegfried und Schröter, Peter, Mittel- und jungneolithische Gruben von Ammerbuch-Reusten, Kreis Tübingen (1977).1Show
Coles / Orme 19771977Coles, JM and Orme, BJColes, JM and Orme, BJ, Neolithic hurdles from Walton Heath, Somerset. Somerset Levels Papers 3, 1977, 6--29.22Show
Olsson 19771977OlssonOlsson 19773Show
Whimster 19771977R. WhimsterR. Whimster, Harlyn Bay reconsidered; the excavation of 1900 - 1905 in the light of recent work, Cornish Archaeol. 16, 1977, 61 - 88.2Show
Wallace 19771977Wallace, Patrick FWallace, Patrick F, A prehistoric burial cairn at Ardcrony, Nenagh, Co. Tipperary (1977).1Show
Veny 19771977VenyVeny, Veny, C. (1977), Apuntes complementarios sobre la cueva de la Edad del Hierro de Son Maimó, Petra (Mallorca), Trabajos de Prehistoria, 34, pp. 111-164.1Show
Strömberg 19771977StrömbergStrömberg 1977, mündl. Mitt. Vandkilde 20071Show
Bokelmann 19771977BokelmannBokelmann, K. Bockelmann, Ein bronzezeitlicher Hausgrundriß bei Handewitt, Kreis Schleswig-Flensburg. Offe 34, 1977, 82-89.2Show
Stenberger19771977M. StenbergerM. Stenberger, Nordische Vorzeit 4. Vorgeschichte Schwedens (Neumünster1977).1Show
Burleigh / Clutton-Brock 19771977Burleigh, Richard and Clutton-Brock, JulietBurleigh, Richard and Clutton-Brock, Juliet, A radiocarbon date for Bos primigenius from Charterhouse Warren Farm, Mendip. Proceedings of the University of Bristol Spelaeological Society 14 (3), 1977, 255--257.1Show