
Short CitationYear AuthorLong CitationURL14C dates
1321-1340 / 2034 show all
Petersson 20012001PeterssonPetersson 20014Show
Plantalamor / Marques 20012001Plantalamor / MarquesPlantalamor, Li./Marqués, J. (2001), ) (2001), Biniai Nou. El megalitisme mediterrani a Menorca. Govern de les liles Balears / Museu de Menorca- Treballs del Museu de Menorca 24, Maó.1Show
Pryor et al. 20012001Pryor, Francis and Barrett, John C and Heritage, EnglishPryor, Francis and Barrett, John C and Heritage, English, The Flag Fen Basin: archaeology and environment of a Fenland landscape (2001).2Show
Barta 20012001BartaP.Barta, Absolute Dating of the Bronze Age in Slovakia. State of Research. Anodos Studies of the Ancient World 1, 2001, 11-25.14Show
Ramis / Alcover 20012001Ramis / AlcoverRamis, D./Alcover, J. A. (2001), Revisiting the Earliest Human Presence in Mallorca, Western Mediterranean, Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, 67, pp. 261-269. 5992Show
Ramis / Bover 20012001Ramis / BoverRamis, D./Bover, P. (2001), A Review of the Evidence for Domestication of Myotragus balearicus Bate 1909 (Artyodactyla, Caprinae) in the Balearic Islands, Journal of Archaeological Science, 28, pp. 265-282.2Show
Hallgren pers medd 20012001Hallgren pers meddHallgren pers medd 200111Show
Rassmann 20012001Rassmann, KnutRassmann, Knut, Zur absoluten Chronologie des ausgehenden Neolithikums im nördlichen Mitteleuropa und Südskandinavien. In: Müller, J. and Czebreszuk, J. (eds.), Die absolute Chronologie in Mitteleuropa 3000-2000 v.Chr. Studien zur Archäologie in Ostmitteleuropa; 1 (Poznan / Bamberg / Rahden2001) 271-285.11Show
Rodríguez Casal 20012001Rodríguez CasalA. A. Rodríguez Casal, The Galician Maritime Beaker complex in the cultural framework of the Copper Age of Western Europe. In: Nicolis 2001, 125-137.2Show
Ruiz Zapatero 20012001Ruiz Zapatero, G.Ruiz Zapatero, G., Las comunidades del bronce final: enterramiento y sociedad en los campos de urnas, in Ruiz-Galvez, M., La edad del Bronce, ¿Primera edad del oro de España?, Sociedad, economía e ideología, Barcelona. Crítica 2001. Arqueología.2Show
AUD 20012001n / aArkæologiske udgravninger i Danmark 2001.73Show
Salva 20012001SalvaSalva, Salvà, B. (2001), El Pretalaiotic al Llevant mallorquí (1700-1100 AC). Anàlisi territorial. Documenta Balear, Palma de Mallorca.13Show
Sarnäs & Nord Paulsson20012001P. Sarnäs, J. Nord PaulssonP. Sarnäs, J. Nord Paulsson, Öresundsförbindelsen : Skjutbanorna 1B & Elinelund 2A-B. In: , Öresundsförbindelsen / rapport över arkeologisk slutundersökning. Rapport / Malmö kulturmiljö 9 (Malmö2001).1Show
Sarti 20012001SartiL. Sarti, Il sito campaniforme di Volpaia (Sesto Fiorentino, Firenze). In: Nicolis 2001, 645-647.1Show
Alcover et al. 20012001Alcover et al.Alcover, J. A./Ramis, D./Coll, J./Trías, M. (2001), Bases per al coneixement del contacte entre els primers colonitzadors humans i la naturalesa de les Balears, Endins, 24, pp. 5-57.4Show
Stadler 20012001StadlerP. Stadler, S. Draxler, H. Friesinger, W. Kutschera,A. Priller, W. Rom, P. Steirer, E. M.Wild, Absolute Chronology for early civilizations in AUstria and Central Europe using 14C Dating with accelerator mass spectrometry with special results for the absolute chronology of the Baden culture. Symposion Proceedings Cernavoda III-Boleráz at Mangalia, 541-562.24Show
Strinnholm 20012001Strinnholm, A.Strinnholm, A., Bland säljägare och fårfarmare : struktur och förändring i Västsveriges mellanneolitikum. Kust till kust-böcker 4 (Uppsala2001).14Show
Stronach 20012001StronachSTRONACH. S. 2001. Perceton, Irvine, in P.J. Ashmore, A list of archaeological radiocarbon dates. Discovery and Excavation in Scotland 2001: 125. Edinburgh: Council for Scottish Archaeology.0Show
Van Strydonck / Maes 20012001Van Strydonck / MaesVan Strydonck, M./Maes, A. (2001), Les datacions i les análisis isotópiques de Biniai Nou, en PLANTALAMOR, LI. y MARQUÉS MOLL, J. (coords.), Biniai Nou. El megalitisme mediterrani a Menorca. Govern de les Ules Balears / Museu de Menorca (Treballs del Museu de Menorca 24), Maó, pp. 163-174.7Show
Van Strydonck et al. 20012001Van Strydonck et al.Van Strydonck, M./Landrie, M./Hendrix, V./Maes, A./Van Der Berg, K, De Jong, A. F. M./Alderliesten, C./Keppens, E. (2001), Royal Institute for Cultural Heritage. Radiocarbon dates XVII. Institut Royal du Patrimoine Artistique, Bruselas.46Show