Short Citation | Year | Author | Long Citation | URL | 14C dates | |
1541-1560 / 2034 show all | ||||||
Micó 2005 | 2005 | Micó | Micó Pérez, R. (2005), Cronología absoluta y periodización de la prehistoria des las Islas Baleares British Archaeological Reports International Series 1373 (Oxford). | 766 | Show | |
Bayliss et al. 2005 | 2005 | Bayliss et al. | Bayliss, A., Barclay, A., Cromarty, A.M./G. Lambrick. 2005. Appendix 1: Radiocarbon dating, in A.M. Cromarty, A.J. Barclay,/G. Lambrick (ed.) Late Bronze Age Ritual and Habitation on a Thames Eyot at Whitecross Farm, Wallingford: The Archaeology of the Wallingford Bypass, 1986-92. (Thames Valley Landscapes Monograph 22): 237-9. Oxford: Oxford University School of Archaeology for Oxford Archaeology. | 0 | Show | |
Stäuble2005 | 2005 | H. Stäuble | H. Stäuble, Häuser und absolute Datierung der Ältesten Bandkeramik (Bonn2005). | 45 | Show | |
Biagi et al. 2005 | 2005 | Biagi, Paolo and Shennan, SJ and Spataro, Michela | Biagi, Paolo and Shennan, SJ and Spataro, Michela, Rapid rivers and slow seas? New data for the radiocarbon chronology of the Balkan peninsula, 2005. | 25 | Show | |
Wessex Archaeology 2006 | 2006 | Wessex Archaeology | WESSEX ARCHAEOLOGY 2006. Reports on 1.) radiocarbon results and 2.) charred plant remains, from the excavations at Westwood cross, Broadstairs, Thanet. Unpublished client report reference: 64040.1. | 0 | Show | |
Bugaj / Kopiasz 2006 | 2006 | Bugaj / Kopiasz | E. Bugaj / J. Kopiasz, Próba interpretacji zabudowy osady z wczesnejepoki ?elaza na stanowisku Milejowice 19, pow. wroc?awski. In: B. GEDIGA / W. PIOTROWSKI (Hrsg.), Architektura i budownictwo epoki br?zui wczesnych okresów epoki ?elaza. Problemy rekonstrukcji (Architektur und Bauwesenin der Bronze- und den frühen Perioden der Eisenzeit. Probleme der Rekonstruktion). . Biskupi?skie Prace Archeologiczne (Biskupin 2006) 175-207 | 1 | Show | |
Fullola / García-Argüelles 2006 | 2006 | Fullola, J.M. and García-Argüelles, P | Fullola, J.M. and García-Argüelles, P, La Cueva del Parco (Alòs de Balaguer, Lleida) y el Abrigo del Fila-dor (Margalef de Montsant, Tarragona): dos se-cuencias clave para el conocimiento del epipaleo-lítico en el nordeste peninsular. El Mesolítico de muescas y denticulados en la cuenca del Ebro y el litoral mediterráneo peninsular. Diputación Foral de Álava. (Álava 2006). p. 121--133. | 2 | Show | |
Smith / Brickley 2006 | 2006 | Smith, Martin and Brickley, Megan | Smith, Martin and Brickley, Megan, The Date And Sequence Of Use Of Neolithic Funerary Monuments: New Ams Dating Evidence From The Cotswold-Severn Region. Oxford journal of archaeology 25 / 4, 2006, 335--355. | 9 | Show | |
Nocete 2006 | 2006 | F. Nocete | Nocete, F., 2006. The first specialised copper industry in the Iberian Peninsula: Cabezo Juré (2900-2200 BC). Antiquity 80, 646-654 | 10 | Show | |
Gonçalves 2006 | 2006 | V. S. Gonçalves | Gonçalves, V.S. (2006): “Some questions about time, space and megalithic symbols in the centre and the south of Portugal”, en R. Joussaume, L. Laporte yC. Scarre (eds.), Origin and Development of theMegalithic Monuments of Western Europe: 485-510, Bougon, Musée des Tumulus de Bougon | 3 | Show | |
Muñoz Rufo 2006 | 2006 | Muñoz Rufo, V. | Muñoz Rufo, V., El Coll (Llinars del Vallès): una segona tomba del ferro I. In: Cypsela 16, 2006, 183-194. | 2 | Show | |
Weninger et al. 2006 | 2006 | Weninger et al. | Weninger, B., Alram-Stem, E., Bauer, E., Clare, L., Danzeglocke, U., Jöris, O., Kubatzki,C., Rollefson, G., Todorova, H., van Andel, T., 2006, Climate forcing due to the 8200 calyr BP event observed at Early Neolithic sites in the eastern Mediterranean, Quaternary Research 66, Seattle, 401-420. | 1 | Show | |
Rinne 2006 | 2006 | Rinne, Christoph | Christoph Rinne, Die Radiokarbon-Methode. In: Archäologie XXL : Archäologie an der B 6n im Landkreis Quedlinburg: Arch: Sachsen-Anhalt. Sonderband 4 (Halle 2006) 45-50. | 23 | Show | |
Manzano et al. 2006 | 2006 | Manzano, S. / Agustí, B. / Colomeda, N. | Manzano, S. / Agustí, B. / Colomeda, N. , Can Xac (Argelaguer, Garrotxa) Un poblat a l’aire lliure del bronze final. Tribuna D’Arqueologia 2003-2004, 2006. p. 45-65. | 2 | Show | |
Murphy / Evans 2006 | 2006 | Murphy, Kenneth and Evans, TJ | Murphy, Kenneth and Evans, TJ, Excavation of Neolithic pits, three ring-ditches and a palisaded enclosure at Cwm Meudwy, Llandysul, Ceredigion, 2003. Archaeologia Cambrensis 155, 2006, 23--48. | 4 | Show | |
Nowaczyk 2006 | 2006 | Nowaczyk | K. NOWACZYK, Sprawozdanie z bada? wykopalisko - wych przeprowadzonych na stanowisku Nowa Wie? Wroc?awska 4, gm. K?ty Wroc?awskie, woj. dolno?l?skie w latach 2002-2003. W: Z. , M. (red.),. In: Z. BUKOWSKI / M. GIERLACH (Hrsg.), Raport 2003-2004. Wst?pne wyniki konserwatorskich bada? archeologicznych w strefie budowy autostrady w Polsce za lata 2003-2004 (= Zeszyty O?rodka Ochrony Dziedzictwa Archeologicznego (d. Zeszyty ORBA). Seria B: Materia?y Archeologiczne) (Warszawa, 2006) 219-44. | 4 | Show | |
Price & Gebauer 2006 | 2006 | Price & Gebauer | Price & Gebauer 2006 | 9 | Show | |
Suchorska-Rola 2006 | 2006 | Suchorska-Rola | Magdalena Suchorska-Rola, Stan bada? nad wczesn? epok? br?zu w dorzeczu ?rodkowej Noteci. . In: HENRYK MACHAEJWSKI (Hrsg.), Pradolina Noteci Pradolina Noteci na tle pradziejowych i wczesno?redniowiecznych szlaków handlowych (Pozna? 2006) 121-126. | 3 | Show | |
Ryberg, UV Väst Rapport 2006 | 2006 | Ryberg, UV Väst Rapport | Ryberg, UV Väst Rapport 2006 | 1 | Show | |
Jones / Reed 2006 | 2006 | Jones, AM and Reed, SJ | Jones, AM and Reed, SJ, By land, sea and air: an Early Neolithic pit group at Portscatho, Cornwall, and consideration of coastal activity during the Neolithic. Cornish Archaeology 45, 2006, 1--30. | 4 | Show |