
Short CitationYear AuthorLong CitationURL14C dates
481-500 / 2034 show all
Alarcos et al. 20062006Alarcos, A. / Gonzalez, R. / Martínez-Rodríguez, P.Alarcos, A. / Gonzalez, R. / Martínez-Rodríguez, P., Santa Digna III. Un hàbitat del bronze Final III al Vallès Oriental. In: Cypsela 16, 2006. 161-175.6Show
Jones / Reed 20062006Jones, AM and Reed, SJJones, AM and Reed, SJ, By land, sea and air: an Early Neolithic pit group at Portscatho, Cornwall, and consideration of coastal activity during the Neolithic. Cornish Archaeology 45, 2006, 1--30.4Show
Manzano et al. 20062006Manzano, S. / Agustí, B. / Colomeda, N. Manzano, S. / Agustí, B. / Colomeda, N. , Can Xac (Argelaguer, Garrotxa) Un poblat a l’aire lliure del bronze final. Tribuna D’Arqueologia 2003-2004, 2006. p. 45-65.2Show
Gibson et al. 20062006Gibson, Alex and Bradley, Philippa and Francis, Robert and Hill, Belinda and Higton, Alex and Ogden, Alan and Sutherland, TimGibson, Alex and Bradley, Philippa and Francis, Robert and Hill, Belinda and Higton, Alex and Ogden, Alan and Sutherland, Tim, Excavations at a neolithic enclosure at lower luggy, near welshpool, Powys, Wales.3Show
Moya et al. 20062006Moya, A. / López, J. B. / Lafuente, A. / Rey, J. / Tartera, E. / Vidal, A. Moya, A. / López, J. B. / Lafuente, A. / Rey, J. / Tartera, E. / Vidal, A. , El Grup del Segre-Cinca II (1250-950 cal. a.n.e.) a les terres del Baix Cinca: el poblat clos de Vincamet (Fraga, Osca). In: Revista d’Arqueologia de Ponent 15, 2006. 13-57.8Show
Murphy / Evans 20062006Murphy, Kenneth and Evans, TJMurphy, Kenneth and Evans, TJ, Excavation of Neolithic pits, three ring-ditches and a palisaded enclosure at Cwm Meudwy, Llandysul, Ceredigion, 2003. Archaeologia Cambrensis 155, 2006, 23--48.4Show
Muñoz Rufo 20062006Muñoz Rufo, V.Muñoz Rufo, V., El Coll (Llinars del Vallès): una segona tomba del ferro I. In: Cypsela 16, 2006, 183-194.2Show
Jarecki 20062006JareckiHelge Jarecki, 14C-Daten zum endneolithischen bis frühbronzezeitlichen Gräberfeld von Wetzendorf, Fundstelle 4, Burgenlandkreis. Jahreschrift für mitteldeutsche Vorgeschichte 90, 2006, 201-234.6Show
Larsson 20062006LarssonLarsson 2006: L. Larsson, I. Zagorska, Back to the Origin : New Research in the Mesolithic-Neolithic Zvejnieki Cementery and Environment, North Latvia. Acta Archaeologica Lundensia (Lund) 8 Vol. 52, 200610Show
Gonçalves 20062006V. S. GonçalvesGonçalves, V.S. (2006): “Some questions about time, space and megalithic symbols in the centre and the south of Portugal”, en R. Joussaume, L. Laporte yC. Scarre (eds.), Origin and Development of theMegalithic Monuments of Western Europe: 485-510, Bougon, Musée des Tumulus de Bougon3Show
Zaretskaya 20052005ZaretskayaZaretskaya , N. E., Zhilin, M. G., Karmanov, V. N., Uspenskaya, O. N., 2005, RadiocarbonDating of Wetland Meso-Neolithic Archaeological Sites Within the Upper Volga andMiddle Vychegda, Geochronometria 24, Gliwice (Poland), 117-131.2Show
Schmidt 20052005SchmidtSchmidt, Jens-Peter Schmidt, Grillfest oder Oferkult? - Der Feuerstellenplatz von Jarmen, Lkr. demmin. In: Die Autobahn A20 - Norddeutschlands längste Ausgrabung. Archäologische Forschungen auf der Trasse zwischen Lübeck und Stettin. Archäologie in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Schwerin 2005) 71-76.0Show
Timby et al. 20052005Timby, J and Stansbie, D and Norton, A and Welsh, KTimby, J and Stansbie, D and Norton, A and Welsh, K, Excavations along the Newbury reinforcement pipeline: Iron Age-Roman activity and a Neolithic pit group.8Show
Whittle et. al. 20052005Whittle A. and Bartosiewicz L. and Bori ? D. and Pettitt P. and Richards M. P.Whittle A. and Bartosiewicz L. and Bori ? D. and Pettitt P. and Richards M. P., New radiocarbon dates for the early Neolithic in northeastern Serbia and south-east Hungary: some omissions and corrections. Antaeus 28, 347-355.3Show
O'Shea et al. 20052005J. O'Shea et al.J. O'Shea et al., J. O’Shea / A. W. Barker / S. Sherwood / A. Szentmiklosi, New Archaeological Investigations at Pecica ?an?ul Mare. Analele Banatului XII-XIII, 2005, 81-109.15Show
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Bea / Diloli 20052005Bea, D. / Diloli, J.Bea, D. / Diloli, J., Elements de representació durant la Primera Edat del Ferro al curs inferior de l’Ebre: el recinte del Turó del Calvari (Vilalba dels Arcs, Terra Alta), Revista d’Arqueologia de Ponent, 15, 2005. 179-198.4Show
Bayliss et al. 20052005Bayliss et al.Bayliss, A., Barclay, A., Cromarty, A.M./G. Lambrick. 2005. Appendix 1: Radiocarbon dating, in A.M. Cromarty, A.J. Barclay,/G. Lambrick (ed.) Late Bronze Age Ritual and Habitation on a Thames Eyot at Whitecross Farm, Wallingford: The Archaeology of the Wallingford Bypass, 1986-92. (Thames Valley Landscapes Monograph 22): 237-9. Oxford: Oxford University School of Archaeology for Oxford Archaeology.0Show
Hartz / Lübke20052005S. Hartz, H. LübkeS. Hartz, H. Lübke, Zur chronostratigraphischen Gliederung der Ertebølle-Kultur und frühesten Trichterbecherkultur in der südlichen Mecklenburger Bucht. Bodendenkmalpflege in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern 52, 2004, 119-143.16Show