
Short CitationYear AuthorLong CitationURL14C dates
681-700 / 2034 show all
Armentano / Malgosa 20022002Armentano, N. / Malgosa, A. Armentano, N. / Malgosa, A. , El jaciment de Can Filuà, dades per al món funerari de l’edat del bronze, in: Pirineus i veïns al 3r mil·lenni aC, XII Col.loqui Internacional d’Arqueologia de Puigcerdà (novembre 2000), Puigcerdà 2002, 681-688 (p. 681).4Show
Schulting / Richards 20022002Schulting, Rick J and Richards, Michael PSchulting, Rick J and Richards, Michael P, The Wet, the Wild and the Domesticated: the Mesolithic—Neolithic Transition On the West Coast of Scotland. European Journal of Archaeology 5 / 2, 2002, 147--189.2Show
Dowd 20022002Dowd, Marion ADowd, Marion A, Kilgreany, Co. Waterford: biography of a cave. The Journal of Irish Archaeology, 2002, 77--97.3Show
Wotzka et al. 20022002Wotzka, Hans-Peter / Laufer, Eckhard / Posselt, Martin / Starossek, BerndWotzka, Hans-Peter / Laufer, Eckhard / Posselt, Martin / Starossek, Bernd, Periphere" Plätze der späten Bandkeramik im Usinger Becken (Östlicher Hintertaunus, Hessen). Vorbericht für die Jahre 1999 und 2000. Berichte der Kommission für Archäologische Landesforschung in Hessen 6, 2001, 53-75.8Show
Lindhe / Sarnäs / Steineke20022002E. Lindhe, P. Sarnäs, M. SteinekeE. Lindhe, P. Sarnäs, M. Steineke, Citytunnelprojektet : rapport över arkeologiska förundersökningar. Rapport / Malmö Kulturmiljö 38 (Malmö2002).1Show
Larsson 20022002L. LarssonL. Larsson, Monumentala Gravformer i det äldsta Bondesamhället. Report Series 83 (Lund2002).3Show
Guerrero 2002a2002Guerrero 2Guerrero, V. M. (2002), Anexo 1. La cronología absoluta del Calcolítico balear, en CALVO, M., GUERRERO, V. M., Los inicios de la metalurgia en Baleares. El Calcolítico (c. 2500-1700 cal. BC). El Tall, Palma de Mallorca, pp. 203- 223.4Show
Dunwell 20022002DunwellDUNWELL, A. 2002. Traprain Law, in P.J. Ashmore, A list of archaeological radiocarbon dates, Discovery and Excavation in Scotland 2002: 147. Edinburgh: Council for Scottish Archaeology.0Show
Van Strydonck 20022002Van StrydonckVan Strydonck, M. (2002), .p.), Radiocarbon and archaeological evidence for a possible climate-induced cultural change on the Balearic Islands around 2,700 BP, Preprint Proceedings of the Conference Radiocarbon and Archaeology, Oxford 2002.1Show
Carter 2001b2001bCarterCarter, S. 2001b, Home Farm, Castle Menzies, in P.J. Ashmore, A list of archaeological radiocarbon dates, Discovery and Excavation in Scotland 2001: 126. Edinburgh: Council for Scottish Archaeology.0Show
Carter 2001a2001aCarterCarter, S. 2001a. Kelvin Valley Sewer Stage 2 Phase 1: Wester Shriva, in P.J. Ashmore, A list of archaeological radiocarbon dates. Discovery and Excavation in Scotland 2001: 123. Edinburgh: Council for Scottish Archaeology.0Show
Collet et. al. 20012001H. Collet and F. Huber and J.-P- Joris and M. ToussaintH. Collet and F. Huber and J.-P- Joris and M. Toussaint, Spiennes: l'état des connaissances et bibliographie, Guide des sites préhistorique et protohistorique de Wallonie. Vie Archéologique (numéro special),2001, 86-89.1Show
Coll 20012001CollColl, Calvo, M./Coll, J. (2001), El dolmen de sAigua Dolça (Colonia de Sant Pere, Mallorca). Col-lecció La Deixa, 5, Conseil de Mallorca, Palma de Mallorca, pp. 160-173.3Show
O'Sullivan 20012001O'Sullivan, Aidan and Academy, Royal IrishO'Sullivan, Aidan and Academy, Royal Irish, Foragers, farmers and fishers in a coastal landscape: an intertidal archaeological survey of the Shannon estuary.3Show
Garašanin 20012001GarašaninGarašanin, M., Radovanovi?, I., 2001, A pot in house 54 at Lepenski Vir I, Antiquity 75 (287), London, 118-125.1Show
Müller 20012001Müller, JohannesMüller, Johannes, Soziochronologische Studien zum Jung- und Spätneolithikum im Mittelelbe-Saale-Gebiet (4100-2700 v. Chr.) : eine sozialhistorische Interpretation prähistorischer Quellen. Vorgeschichtliche Forschungen 21 (Rahden / Westf2001).42Show
Rassmann 20012001Rassmann, KnutRassmann, Knut, Zur absoluten Chronologie des ausgehenden Neolithikums im nördlichen Mitteleuropa und Südskandinavien. In: Müller, J. and Czebreszuk, J. (eds.), Die absolute Chronologie in Mitteleuropa 3000-2000 v.Chr. Studien zur Archäologie in Ostmitteleuropa; 1 (Poznan / Bamberg / Rahden2001) 271-285.11Show
Clop et al. 20012001Clop, X. / Faura, J.M.Clop, X. / Faura, J.M., Els Vilars (Sant Martí De Tous, Anoia). In: Jornades D’Arqueologia. Intervencions arqueològiques i paleontològiques a les comarques de Barcelona (1996-2001). p. 28.2Show
Guerrero 20012001GuerreroGuerrero, V. M. (2001), The Balearic Islands: Prehistoric Colonization of the Furthest Mediterranean Islands from the Mainland, en Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology, 14 (2), pp. 136-158.6Show
Salva 20012001SalvaSalva, Salvà, B. (2001), El Pretalaiotic al Llevant mallorquí (1700-1100 AC). Anàlisi territorial. Documenta Balear, Palma de Mallorca.13Show