Laboratory: Groningen

BP: 5420 Std: 75

Delta 13C value None given Delta 13C standard deviation None given

Sample Material: charcoal Sample Material Comment: None given

Feature Type: miscellaneous Feature: Herdstelle der Phase I (von I-IV) der Entwicklung des Flintbergbaus in Spiennes.

Culture: Michelsberg culture Phase: III or later (phases Spiennes II and III)

Site: Spiennes Country Subdivision: Hainaut Country: Belgium

Approved: true Right: public


Breunig, Peter, 14C-Chronologie des vorderasiatischen, südost- und mitteleuropäischen Neolithikums. Fundamenta Reihe A Band 13 (Köln u.a.1987).

J. N. Lanting, W.G. Mook, The pre- and protohistory of the Netherlands in the terms of radiocarbon dates (Groningen1977).

Vogel and Waterbolk, Groningen radiocarbondates VII, Radiocarbon 9, 1967, 107-155.


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