Laboratory: Utrecht van der Graaf Laboratorium

BP: 2810 Std: 35

Delta 13C value None given Delta 13C standard deviation None given

Sample Material: collagen, bone Sample Material Comment: UtC-5532; Hueso humano

Feature Type: settlement Feature: Naveta: Inhumación colectiva. Hueso sin identificar. Muestra 6a. Grave (inhumation)

Culture: Naviforme culture Phase: n/a

Site: Binipati Nou Country Subdivision: Baleares Country: Spain

Approved: true Right: public


Micó Pérez, R. (2005), Cronología absoluta y periodización de la prehistoria des las Islas Baleares British Archaeological Reports International Series 1373 (Oxford).

Van Strydonck, M./Landrie, M./Boudin, M./Grootes, P./Nadeau, M.-J./Sparks, R./Keppens, E. (2002b), Royal Institute for Cultural Heritage. Radiocarbon dates XVIII. Institut Royal du Patrimoine Artistique, Bruselas.

Van Strydonck, M./Boudin, M / Ervynck, A. (2003b), .p.), Humans and Myotragus-. the issue of sample integrity in radiocarbon dating, en Actas del simposio Insular Vertebrate evolution, Monographs of the Natural History Society of the Balearic Islands (Palma de Mallorca, 16-19 de septiembre de 2003).


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