IDLab CodeLab Nr.BPStdδ 13CSample Mat.Feature TypeCulture PhaseSite
27941-27960 / 34153 show all
19231GifA99088587080charcoalsettlementNeolithicn/aKaletepeShow Calibrate
19232GifA99089579080charcoalsettlementNeolithicn/aKaletepeShow Calibrate
19235GrN19779736035charcoaltellNeolithicend Fikirtepe, Yarimburgaz 5, Coskuntepe, Kuruçay 11-13, Hacilar V-I, Proto- and Vorsesklo, Nea Nikomedeia, Franchthi 1Hoca ÇesmeShow Calibrate
19287UCLA1605H615060collagen, bonesettlementNeolithicKakanj II, developed Kakanj, Vinca BObre IShow Calibrate
19288UCLA1605F643080collagen, bonesettlementNeolithicKakanj II, developed Kakanj, Vinca BObre IShow Calibrate
19289Hv13345310145charcoalenclosureNeolithicVinca-Plocnik?, Hvar-LisiciciLisiciciShow Calibrate
19304BM5815588145charcoaltellNeolithicyounger als I, end Late Neolithic, Final NeolithicKnossosShow Calibrate
19307Z4987010190charcoaltellNeolithicn/aBitoljShow Calibrate
19308Z16745850130charcoaltellNeolithictransition Sopot/Lasinja, Sece, pre Baden, Retz-GajaryPepelaneShow Calibrate
19357Z21145650110charcoalenclosureNeolithicn/aBukovnicaShow Calibrate
19360BM1720R22020200charcoaltellNeolithicFrühes Akeramikum, Neolithic 2, ASPRO 3, Mureybet IVTell Abu HureyraShow Calibrate
19361BM1722R8640100charcoaltellNeolithicFrühes Akeramikum, Neolithic 2, ASPRO 3, Mureybet IVTell Abu HureyraShow Calibrate
19362BM1721R8490110charcoaltellNeolithicFrühes Akeramikum, Neolithic 2, ASPRO 3, Mureybet IVTell Abu HureyraShow Calibrate
19363OxA204439060collagen, bonetellNeolithicearly to late PPN, Neolithic 2, ASPRO 4, Mureybet IV and jünger, Bouqras, AssouadTell Abu HureyraShow Calibrate
19364OxA21698640110graintellNeolithicearly to late PPN, Neolithic 2, ASPRO 4, Mureybet IV and jünger, Bouqras, AssouadTell Abu HureyraShow Calibrate
19365OxA11908500120graintellNeolithicearly to late PPN, Neolithic 2, ASPRO 4, Mureybet IV and jünger, Bouqras, AssouadTell Abu HureyraShow Calibrate
19366OxA12327310120collagen, bonetellNeolithicearly to late PPN, Neolithic 2, ASPRO 4, Mureybet IV and jünger, Bouqras, AssouadTell Abu HureyraShow Calibrate
19367OxA20457060collagen, bonetellNeolithicearly to late PPN, Neolithic 2, ASPRO 4, Mureybet IV and jünger, Bouqras, AssouadTell Abu HureyraShow Calibrate
19368OxA876850090collagen, bonetellNeolithicearly to late PPN, Neolithic 2, ASPRO 4, Mureybet IV and jünger, Bouqras, AssouadTell Abu HureyraShow Calibrate
19369OxA8778300150collagen, bonetellNeolithicearly to late PPN, Neolithic 2, ASPRO 4, Mureybet IV and jünger, Bouqras, AssouadTell Abu HureyraShow Calibrate
Calibrate selected Sum Calibration for selected